
Scientific papers will be included in the electronic record of Book of Abstracts (for authors who choose not to have complete papers published) and in the Proceedings which have ISBN and CIP. Authors may submit only an abstract/summary or a complete paper (including abstract) not exceeding 5 pages. All abstracts and papers will be cited in CAB database. All abstracts and papers will be reviewed by international reviewers. Publication of abstracts in the Book of Abstracts enables subsequent publication of presented papers in a thematic issue of Poljoprivreda – Agriculture ( or in other publications.

Contributions should be sent electronically to the e-mail address: by 15 February 2025 at the latest. When submitting papers, the authors should state whether they intend them for oral or poster presentations. Section moderators retain the right to select oral communications. Contributions for the poster section must be sized precisely 70 × 100 cm (width × height). Poster rewards will be given in each section.

Papers with a positive reviewer’s opinion will be published in the Book of Abstracts or in the Proceedings if at least one registration fee was paid per paper by 15 May 2025.

Registration fee entitles only the author in whose name it has been paid to participate in the Symposium.

We thank all authors for their cooperation
